Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Sauna Model

Regular readers of this here blog will remember a few weeks back when we spent a week up at Lake Kiljava measuring sauna buildings there. After returning to Helsinki, we built small scale wooden models of them using the woodshop in the architecture studio building. A *very* nice woodshop I might add. HUT, the university here, has a famous summer program called the "Wood Program" where students from all over the world come for a term or two and build a wooden structure of some sort. Some very beautiful ones.

Like in the US, they build wooden models of their designs. Unlike the US, however, they build these models out of real wood pieces rather than out of the hobby shop, pre-made, bass wood we are used to. The models come out differently... fewer details, more solid, often with wood craftsmanship as a part of the model. It adds something to the models we build... a little extra space for artistry and expressiveness I think.

In any case, here are some photos of the model shop, us working, and the model we built. Which, just to brag a little, was archived by the Finnish Museum of Architecture here in Helsinki! Wooo wooo!! More photos here...

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