Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Photoshop Tennis: The Darth Story

This week the objective was to place your sculpture into a new context using photoshop, then exchange it with a partner who would modify it. After returning it, the originator was to modify it one time further.

My friends who know me well know what a movie fanatic I am. In conversations I am constantly relating stories and situations to old movies. So when I thought of a new context for my Moorish, the monolith from 2001 immediately jumped to mind. NASA has a number of photos from the Apollo 11 moon mission on line. Here I started with the famous earthrise over the moon photo and my SketchUp image. I moved the earth over to where it appeared behind the screen so that it would show through nicely. Dave is played by Buzz Aldrin who used to be standing facing the American Flag. Something in his stance looks rather zombiish I thought.

But then my partner, Kyle, completely outdid me by taking up the theme and running away with it. He transported Dave to the end of the Universe, or wherever Dave ended up. Did an amazing job of integrating my screens into the roomscape, and updated Dave with the latest in stormtrooper garb.

"So what do I do with this??!", I exclaimed? I decided to take the stormtrooper image and continue with it. Perhaps when Dave returned he actually came back as Darth Vader?? I think this storyline would have been a lot more fun than all the Jedi politics in Star Wars III.

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