Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Where am I and how did I get here...?

Okay, then. Four months back I was a mild-mannered computer hacker (read dull dull dull) at a stable (read not going much of anywhere fast) high-tech software company. Attempting to eke out this year's 2% performance improvement from my favorite algorithm on my carefully selected set of benchmark testcases.

But *Now* I am part of the exciting new field of architecture! Only, maybe not so new. My assignment (should I accept it?): make a cool looking scultpural something in SketchUp to put in the courtyard of my new museum. (You didn't know I was designing a museum? Well, now you do.)

Here is something then. I've created this sundial sculpture. As you can clearly see in the image to the right, it is 9am in Eugene, Oregon. The image above is taken at 3pm. Below is the sculpture in plan view.

Now what I *really* should do is animate it so that whenever you log in it will point to the correct time. Nawww, not for two credits.

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